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Play Games. Do Good

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Right now - What's on our collective minds? Michael Jackson meets Collecta

Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Plaxo etc.. quietly.. and often politely asks, prompts or just flat out demands us to answer, update or just let everyone know "What's on your mind?" People twitter, tweet, blog, post, comment and respond to what's on each others minds.. and news spreads, grows, and evolves and mutates... in many languages, timezones from people of all different backgrounds.

With Michael Jackson's passing today - Collecta is a new search engine that gives us a glimpse and helps us get a sense of what's on everyone's mind -- all around the world, all at the same time -- from Flickr, Wordpress to Twitter.. Here's a window into our collective conscience - click here and watch what we're all thinking now.

1 comment:

sameer said...

Its an interesting tool - though bulk of their results seem to be coming from twitter. With Bing and other search engines going after the same market - it would be a tough battle.